Thursday, January 31, 2013

Week 2...Not Productive...Does it Matter?

Aside from my morning coffee, I don't spend much time sitting down.  I am almost always moving--doing something...being productive in some way.  Exercising, straightening, cooking, working, shopping...something.  I'm always moving.

But in all honesty, I've felt like this has been an unproductive week.  I was able to run some errands this weekend with surprising energy and that felt really good.

But, then Monday hit, and the kids were home because of an ice storm, so I got nothing productive done.

On Tuesday, my son was home with a cold, so I got nothing productive done.  And I ended up crashed out on the sofa most of the day, not feeling great.

On Wednesday, everyone was at school, so I went for a quick jog and went out to a movie with friends while the kids were at school.

And now, today, it's Thursday and my daughter is home from school with a cold.  I had planned to get all the grocery shopping done before Round 3 (ding ding ding!) but now I'll be home all day.  I am ENORMOUSLY frustrated by this turn of events.  I have meals to plan!  I have food to buy!  I have dinners to make!

I hate feeling unproductive.

On Monday, there was no school.  But my son got to spend the day with his best buddy, and I got to crack open a bottle of bubbly (and then some!) with my Champagne Sister while our girls played dress up, watched movies, and turned themselves into Princess Zombies.  We all had a great afternoon.

On Tuesday, my son's cold made me take the afternoon on the sofa.  My body needed the break, and I didn't see the signs until I stopped moving.  And a friend surprised us with dinner, so I didn't even need to cook dinner.  

On Wednesday, I got to go jogging for 30 minutes OUTSIDE in JANUARY in 60 degree weather.  What a gift!  And I spent time watching an Oscar contender with a surprise visit from my dad...watched a movie with my family while enjoying another meal brought by a friend.

And today, I have an opportunity to spend a little time with my daughter, helping her with her science assignment, playing a game or two, and maybe curling up together and watching a movie.
Just because this wasn't the week I had planned doesn't mean it wasn't productive.  

If I judge my productivity based on the number of checkmarks on my "to do" list, then sure.  I'm a loser.  But when I looked into 2013 and made my plans for the year, there was no checkbox for "get another cancer diagnosis." or "undergo chemo" in my list.

You'd think by now, I'd learn how to roll with it a little better.  Or maybe I'm spending so much time trying to throw my positive energy into the whole "this cancer thing is no big deal" that my positive energy store is a bit low for the every day.

And perhaps I should just cut myself a little slack for not being Suzy Sunshine all day, every day.


  1. You were my Suzy sunshine today.... and boy did I need it.....

    Love you!

  2. Hey, are you able to shop for groceries online and have them delivered? Does your local supermarket do that? You may want to try it. That would be a nice treat to give yourself (and I hear there's not much of a price difference). :)
